Monday, November 14, 2005


Ross Anderson, University of Cambridge, har en praktisk vinkling på alt han gjør (selv om han er en teoretiker). Her er et sitat:
Security engineers have been falling into a similar trap. For years, we thought that the problem of authentication began and ended with trustworthy boot-strapping. Once Alice and Bob shared that elusive session key---and could prove mathematically that no-one else did---we could type up the research paper and head for the pub. Again, the real world has changed. Security maintainability is the elephant in the living room; people know there's an awful problem but are generally too polite to mention it (especially as we don't really know what to do with the beast). Vendors used to not care very much; after all, people replace their mobile phones every year, and their PCs every three to five years, so why not just wait for the vulnerable equipment to be thrown on the skip? With luck, vulnerability scares might even help stoke the upgrade cycle.
Dette er spørsmålet Obol er svaret på.
Eller med andre ord: Fem år av livet mitt har gått med på å finne svaret på dette!
