12 januar 2007


Det er litt mindre vanskelig å motivere seg til å lese obligatoriske oppgaver når man kan trøste seg med et (for stort) stykke pecorino pepato, støttet av litt pære og et glass Chianti Riserva fra 2001 laget av Fattoria Montereggi. Jeg er en enkel sjel, og mer skal det ikke til så blir jeg straks på bedre humør. Og: I morgen kommer Hustruen hjem!

I en avis fant jeg følgende:
At the beginning of last winter we sat with a friend from Italy and her partner from London in a restaurant. The beauteous Manuela was depressed by her perpetually blonde hair, was tired of her professional trips all over the world, missed her home, San Remo, her mother, her sister and noisy lunches with lots of children and pasta and antipasti. She draped her good woolen coat over the chair, drank champagne and sighed. But then the waitress arrived at the table with a plate of artichokes "for openers," as restaurant critics say. Manuela's eyes filled with tears and she said in her warm voice, that always sounds to me like the beginning of a song from the San Remo festival, "Ho Madonna, carciofi." And suddenly, as though pricked by a magic thorn, Manuela was restored to an Italian state of mind, tipsy and heartwarming, which becomes her so well.
Da passer det sikkert å nevne at jeg selv spiste en herlig artisjokk til middag i kveld. Som sagt, enkle gleder til denne mannen.

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